

Family, friends, and colleagues of the celebrated architect established the Fernand Pouillon Heritage Association on March 30th, 2017 in Belcastel. The honorary president is the grandson of Fernand Pouillon, Jonathan Pouillon-Kugel. The mission of the Association is to honor the life and legacy of Fernand Pouillon by engaging and inspiring a new generation of creatives through projects and exhibitions that will celebrate the intersection of art and architecture.

What distinguished Fernand Pouillon from his peers was the conviction that housing should be available to all, since he saw it more as a necessity than a right. His ideas and working methods earned him the status of a humanist, and his philosophy continues to impact architects around the globe currently facing the challenges of an ever-growing population living in limited space. Fernand Pouillon's legacy lives through the new and creative architectural solutions that will continue to benefit the wellbeing of humankind.

The Château de Belcastel in the Aveyron region of France was the home of the late, great, architect, after he completely restored the historic monument. Fernand Pouillon helped to restore the village below, which has since been classified as one of France’s “Most Beautiful Villages.”

At the Château de Belcastel, the architect's footsteps still resound. The fortress is rich with Pouillon’s spirit, because this monumental restoration was an epic labor of love. The château fulfilled his life’s dream; as soon as he discovered the ruin, he intended for it to become his home. The Château de Belcastel indeed remained as such until his death in 1986, and today his tomb can be found behind the chapel in Belcastel village.

For those who have read Fernand Pouillon’s autobiographical novel "Les Pierres Sauvages", and for those who know of his legacy as an architect and his passion for art and history, the Château de Belcastel is the premiere destination at which to pay tribute to the master builder, and therefore discover his heritage.

The Château de Belcastel stands today as a classified historic monument thanks to the renovations undertaken by Fernand Pouillon. It remains a private castle and, since 2005, has been open to the public. Visitors enjoy panoramic views of the medieval village—also restored with Pouillon’s help—and see the architect’s restoration up close along with parts of the ruin he purposefully left intact, so that future generations might see what he had to contend with. The château’s interior remains open, a showcase of the medieval fortress and the remarkable work of Fernand Pouillon.

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